In this tutorial, we will guide you step-by-step through the web portals: the Studio, the Scheduler, the Resource Manager and the Automation Dashboard portals.
1 Your first single task job
The easiest way to build your workflow is the online Studio portal which is
accessible here.
The main components are:
2 Your first multi-task job
Click on the Workflow Studio button to open the studio interface.
Click on the File->Close button to show the workflow list.
Click on Create to create a second workflow, and Open it.
Edit the workflow name and enter Parallel tasks.
Drag and drop a few tasks.
You can click on the Layout button to reorganize the
3 Your first replicated tasks job
Create a 4th workflow and name it Replicate job.
Drag & drop the Replicate control from the Control Template menu.
Click on the replicate script and set the number of runs to 10:
Click on Resource Manager to open its interface. Execute the replicate job again, and watch how ProActive nodes are used to execute the tasks.
4 Your first multi-node job
Create a 5th workflow and name it Multinode job.
Drag & drop the Multi-Node Task from the Basic examples menu.
Select the task in the diagram, then click on Task Multi-Node Execution.
Set the Number of Nodes to 4.
In the Topology list, choose single host.
Execute the job and watch on the Resource Manager how multiple ProActive
Nodes are
used by the task.
5 Import and Export your workflow
Workflows are represented in XML format, such as:
6 Customize your task
Tasks can be defined using various script languages. When a task is drag & dropped
from the Tasks menu,
it contains a default code such as print ‘Hello World’. Let’s see how we can edit
the provided code.
Create a new workflow and call it Script job, create a Groovy task and
click on it.
On the left panel, in the Task Implementation tab, you can edit the script
content. You can use the button
to open an editor with syntax highlighting.
The Scheduler Portal allows to see task results and errors (when they don’t appear in the task logs). Create a new workflow and call it Result job, create a Groovy task and replace the script code by the following:
Script languages which can be used on any machine are Javascript, Groovy, Ruby,
Jython, Scalaw, …
Create a new workflow and open it. Drag and drop the corresponding script languages
Tasks. Execute
the workflow and observe that all tasks are executed successfully.
7 Job lifecycle
The user has some control over the job execution. Let’s illustrate the possibilities
by an example.
Open the Replicate job and submit it. Then open the scheduler interface.
Right-click on the job and select Pause.
8 ProActive Catalog
From the studio interface, users can publish their workflows into the ProActive
Catalog. Users can also import existing workflows to modify or execute them.
Multiple revisions of the same workflows are handled to follow the workflow
Let’s modify the Multinode Job. Click on the task and rename it to myTask.
From the Catalog menu, click on Publish current Workflow to the
9 ProActive Automation Dashboard
ProActive Automation Dashboard gathers views for business people.
Click on one of the submit buttons in order to submit a workflow.
First of all, from the Workflow Execution view, submit 3 times the Himmelblau_Function workflow from the auto-ml-optimization bucket.
You can associate any calendar definition with any workflow. Select a calendar
definition from the Calendars left panel and click on the + button to select
your workflow.
You can activate and disactivate your associations with .
Select one of the monitoring rules on the right panel.
Check/modify parameters (workflow to trigger,..) from the popup before clicking on
the Activate button.
To modify a rule: Right click on a rule and Edit.
This view centralizes all notifications triggered by jobs. Let’s trigger a
validation notification!
Go to Workflow Execution view, submit the Web_Validation workflow
from the notification-tools bucket.
Go to the Notifications view, select the Validation requests sub view
under the Notifications tab.
You can validate/unvalidate/ignore your validation notification by clicking on one
of these .
Following the same aproach, the Notification view handles Subscriptions
notifications (Subscriptions tab).